Syntens Solutions is the leading technology integrator.

We help customers around the world maximize their IT investment and create comprehensive solutions that drive business results. To extend the value we bring to customers, we’ve invested in building a number of assets and solutions that help speed deployment, decrease risk, and control costs.

Whether it's architecting new applications, integrating systems, or migrating existing solutions onto a single platform, 

Syntens Solutions .NET solutions maximize the benefits of the .NET with tools to yield improved scalability, reliability, and flexibility.

  • Opensource
  • Cloud
  • Scalability

Syntens Solutions helped many companies integrate their software solution with vendors and different software applications. Think about when you want to integrate vendor systems wit your ERP solution to manage inventory.

Work efficiently by providing information to your customers or stakeholders by integrating systems.

Unparalleled skills with opensource technology and innovative application of .NET technologies has provided the organization with a powerful tool to help lower costs.

  • Commitment to excelence
  • Clients are our partners
  • Fun is an absolute must